Monday 18 July 2011

Social Networks, are you monitoring them?

When it comes to social networks, positive and negative connotations spread fast. It is usually the negative ones people write most about and they are the ones anyone should be most afraid of.

Earlier, I blogged about how telecommunication companies should be monitoring their web site behaviors more than they do already. I articulated the potential loss in revenue over a 12-18month contractual period could be as much as £3M if patterns in individual visitor behaviors are not spotted early enough - this could and most likely is through defection to another network provider.

So, continuing the theme, Social Networks also play a huge part in pushing potential losses further for a business that is failing to keep its customers 'happy'.
Take the scenario that a visitor is unhappy. The customer tries to solve the unhappiness, whether it be online, offline in the store or on the phone, but fails to do so. They go to Twitter or Facebook and rant about the mobile phone operator. The update is broadcast to the 'unhappy customers' 500+ friends on Facebook who then join in on the 'conversation'. There is a good/high chance that 1 in 3 of those 'friends' on Facebook have a mobile phone account with your network. Therefore, the 'unhappy customer' has a high degree of influence and that should be of concern to your business.

By using a Social Network insight platform, you can get one step ahead of who is saying what, where and when. By combining that with an Individual Customer/Visitor Insight platform, your business can hopefully appease the disgruntled 'unhappy customer' when they call in the store, on the phone or even visit the web site with a token gesture 'gift' or reduction in tariff or free line rental.

I'm sure you can think of better examples to appease 'unhappy customers', but the important bit here is reaching out to someone who could hurt your brand, image and reputation before the damage has been done. Surely, that is worth saving?

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