Monday 18 July 2011

Do telcommunication companies realize how much they are losing out?

Today I'm a happy customer who is happily using your mobile phone network on my Smartphone. Happily watching YouTube clips, texting friends, calling friends, surfing, checking email, facebook, twitter and more.
As a BIG multi-international mobile phone provider, you are most likely racking the cash in (and rightly so)!

Or are you...

What happens when I'm unhappy with my phone and/or network provider? Do you know who I am, where I am, how to reach me? Do you care that I'm having a bad time?

How about another scenario. I signed up to an 18month contract, £30pm, and now I'm 15months into the contract when I re-visit your web site. Did you know I had visited you on the 18th July, 2011? Did you track what I did, where I went? Ask me why was I here?

You should have, and here is why:

Too many businesses (that includes your competitors!) these days are so interested on making 'sales' that their customer retention's team is working over-time. Yet if only the business brought the 'retention' program forward and put it onto the web site, that way when I visit the web site to look at ways to contact your company about a problem I have, you could identify me and assist me there and then. Why wait for me to call?
Alternatively (and this is highly common and most likely happening to your business today), I've come to your web site to compare a price I have got from another network who wants my high value custom and is charming me more than yourselves...

Of course, no one wants to lose a high value customer... So, why should you?

Complex Event Processing (otherwise known as CEP) systems can and will help your business identify a prospect when they are exhibiting any of the above scenarios and plenty more. When handed complete Individual Visitor Data, they can help identify when a fraudulent transaction is taking place by assessing exposure and risk during the visit based around behavior; they can model and spot when a visitor is exhibiting possible churn like behavior - if you know this in advance, why not communicate with them in an appropriate way, therefore reducing defection and saving a bundle of cash in re-marketing costs.

Come to think of it, there are very few reasons not to have a CEP but there are plenty of reasons why you won't have one today!
The likely reasons you are not using CEP systems today - 1) they are new (technology wise they have been around for some time, but not really used in anger in the commercial world... yet; 2) they are not cheap! but combined with a Customer Insight platform, the potential ROI for a business can be huge!

Too many aggregated, post reaction, online optimization platforms exist in the market place today and they are not able to handle the vast amounts of individual customer level detail that is available to collect when a visitor arrives to your online digital home. Businesses need a non-aggregated platform, one which does not require tagging to get the right level of insight required.

The good news is that technology exists today and tomorrow you could literally be saving your business millions of pounds/dollars/euros...

So, now do you know how much you are losing out? Put into monetary terms, if you have 10,000 visitors a month exhibiting churn behavior and 6,000 churn - on a £30pm contract, that equates to £180k/month! Now multiply that number by the length of a renewal contract, £3,240,000! Now, how about working out the cost of fraudulent transactions occurring on the web site and the loss of revenue - £3M again a good number?

So, using an Individual Visitor/Customer Insight platform and a CEP system, your business 'could' save around £6M over a 12-18month period...

Individual Visitor/Customer Insight platforms and CEP systems do not cost anywhere near the potential loss of earnings articulated above.

So, now do you know how much you are losing out?

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