Friday 15 July 2011

The Pain Of Tagging - No More!

Over the years I have used them all; Webtrends, Omniture, Coremetrics, Google Analytics et al and the one thing they all share in common is? Tagging!

I've since discovered that there are systems beyond even the most humble Web Analytics platform that also requires tagging. Those include (but are no means limited to) Personalisation Engines and Complex Event Processing Systems.

So, it would seem that if you want anything online to be successful, you and your IT team must embrace the endless fun and joys of 'Tagging' everything up, paying through the nose for it with consultancy engagements and generally missing out on fast time to data and valuable insights during the specification, planning and delivery documents being drawn up - oh, and that is before the actual delivery of reports takes place, from which you must then extract those valuable insights from yourself - and be sure not to mis-interpret along the way.

But don't panic. There are alternatives. Alternatives that require no tagging, can collect every event occurrence from within the page, can model data in real-time and deliver the actions to internal or external platforms, from which your business suddenly becomes significantly more 'pro-active' than the typical 're-active' existence experienced today.

Check out my video blog posting from a couple of days back called 'Tag Free Data Collection'. It can be found on also if more convenient.

Visitor level insight should not be difficult! It should be the easiest part - discovering the truth about what is and is not working for your visitors and business is the hardest part to sometimes accept.

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