Tuesday 24 January 2012

Individual insight - now more important than ever!

It seems 2012 is the year for digital Individual Insight. Everyone is asking for it, but why should you consider it? That, is what I hope to clear up in this post today.

First of all, what is 'Individual' and what does it mean to me and my business?
Individual is exactly that, a single instance of a person and anything/everything that person says or does.

Why should I care about knowing what an individual says or does?
Knowing someone has been on the web site, failed to complete a process and then left means your business is failing to convince an individual to do something online (that translates into lost opportunity)! When that individual calls into the call centre and completes their transaction offline, understanding why and what the outcome was will help you better tailor your efforts in channels they are less effective.
Take a scenario, someone has just been on Facebook and told their 100+ friends how bad a particular service your company offers, is. Think about the potential impact that might bring to your business - those 100+ friends also have 100+ friends each, taking the total level of exposure of something good or bad to well in excess of 10,000 people! If one in those 10,000 people were about to buy from the same company (or maybe the same product or service), but now don't due to a 'Friends' update, think about the impact that now brings to your business - now consider what if 10 or 100 of those 10,000 people were about to buy from you?
So, knowing the 'individual' activity is highly important, and that is only in the Social world - have you considered your own web site? Imagine the opportunity that awaits you in your own online shop; you know what every individual does that comes to your web site; you know what products they always look at but never buy; you know they like discount items - so next time you run your Sales email marketing campaign, send them a personalised and relevant email.
It may all seem like a no-brainer - after all, why wouldn't you want to get to the level of the 'individual' activity?! They have the ability to give you so much input into what is and isn't working for your business. The reality is no one has really considered or thought about this level of detail, mainly due to not realising such technology actually exists to help them achieve it.
Well, it does exist and I urge any organisation that wants to better target individuals

What can I expect to achieve if I adopt a platform that gives me 'individual' insight?
That promotion you have always wanted? It could happen, if you help shift the mindset of a business to think more laterally. Individual insight will help your business go from good to great, how can it not? Individual insight is now about aggregated views of data; individual insight gives a business the power to know, the power to change, the power to deliver - look at the success Unica and Bluesheep have had over the years, mostly derived from non-online individual insight. Imagine the value your business would get if it were possible to replicate the level of detail known about an individual from the online world in the same way the offline technologies have done so in previous years?

Still not convinced? Individual insight has demonstrated to businesses how they can save £250,000 per annum in adword campaigns, without impacting sales.
It has demonstrated uplift in excess of £1M in incremental revenue every time a Sale email marketing campaign is sent.
It has helped save in excess of £1M in online fraudulent transactions taking place on a web site with multiple credit cards, or shipping to known fraudulent hot-spots, OR individuals getting insurance quotes who chop and change their personal and historical circumstances to achieve a better price...

Individual insight just works! It can bring huge benefits to any organisation, you just have to try it for yourself to appreciate the value it brings.

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