Thursday 22 December 2011

Who wouldn't want the 'Visibility' piece online (and my 2012 prediction)

So you think you have perfected the online website channel; conversion rate is optimal, revenue stream is consistent, acquisition spend and performance is spot on (lucky you!).
So, where do you go from here? Sure, you could take an early Christmas and kick your feet up, sit back and enjoy the goodies people bring in to the office to spread the Christmas Cheer. Or, you could be doing something unique - something no one else has mastered yet and something that will make you hugely popular should you master it. I'm talking about the 'Visbility' piece, of course.

I coined this phrase back at the start of the year and it's meaning is very simple; "to provide businesses with visibility of what is happening in the social world and effectively merge it with the web site behavioral data", all in realtime.

Just think about it for a second - you have already achieved your ideal KPI's for the performance of the online channel, but what if you could make it even better, with no real significant change needing to be made to your online business, effectively letting you continue what you are doing well already? (low risk then!). What if I could help your business learn how to target new customers or help your business understand who your influencers' are (to keep them influencing), what your poor performing products/services are (social networks is where most people complain or praise something), what content you should be serving to the individual who arrives on your web site based on their likes/dislikes/hobbies and more.

Now, you have the ability to target each individual with what they want to see (before they even know it). It increases your engagement rate (you already know what they like/dislike, so serve appropriate content), likely conversion rate increases, improve satisfaction rate, help promote loyalty and as a bi-product of these improvements, take more revenue online!

It's a no-brainer really but who does this today? No one. In fact, there are technologies (no single vendor... yet), that exist independently that 'could' do it, if only they woke up and smelt the coffee! Think about the business benefits to you, the customer, the vendor and the Industry as a whole - it's a win win win really.

I predict 2012 will see the introduction to such 'theories' whereby they will become a reality - personally, I'm really looking forward to it!
Customer Insight and Social Networks, merging to provide true 'Individual Visibility' - just got to coin a new, whizzy marketing name/phrase for the new internet phenomenon that is imminently (over?) due!

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