Wednesday 22 August 2012

Erm, what do you mean it's wrong?

It's frustrating, isn't it. You have just spent the last 12months planning for the launch of a swanky new web site, invested tons of time and money in ensuring the insight datapoints are tagged up correctly, selected/chosen and signed with new affiliate partners to help promote your new swanky site and a whole bunch more and then suddenly it all comes crashing down; you've noticed something is wrong... the account ID being used in the page is for the development platform - bummer!

That means ALL your visitor behaviour insight is going to go into a black hole where no one other than you has access which now means you will be spending roughly 30mins a day, extracting those reports and placing them into an Excel sheet to distribute manually, distracting you for doing your day job.
OK, but that's not too bad - we've all had to do that before, and it's only for 4-6weeks...! BUT, what about next month, when the powers-above have brought onboard this hot new tech company that is going to drive our traffic and more importantly, our sales through the roof! More tags. More time. Being lost = More Pain!

privacy widget goes in here...
What to do - your budget has been halved, there are code freezes coming up due to the Christmas rush and the ink hasn't even dried yet on the contract your Director just signed. Heart rate, blood pressure, stress - all increasing. Job on the line? Doubtful, but your patience? Likely being tested!

Well, this is the first giveaway sign that a company such as this one needs a platform which can be remotely controlled outside of the company when it comes to placing/replacing technology vendor tags on the web site. Do you need one? Well, consider the options. How many times has the scenario above presented itself to you and/or your company? I would guess it happens monthly, maybe even weekly (dare I say daily)? How often do changes to the web site take to get started, let alone completed; weeks, months (never?)? And how much does that translate into lost insight/missed opportunity? I would guess the financial pain is a figure that already has five 0's in it already... and growing!

The good news is such technology to help ease the pain exists today and the shortlist is somewhat 'short'. With the ever increasing burdens being placed on visibility, availability and actionability, today, companies need to be so much more dynamic in the electronic media world and this is where tag management platforms can help.
Such platforms are yielding massive ROI's for their customers, making companies like yours innovative/dynamic and helping to make the lives of analysts 'easier'. You are no longer hired as an Analyst who needs to also know JS/HTML inside and out because it is you making the site change recommendations and developers are leaning on you. Once you start using a Tag Management System (TMS), you will notice you start to do on a daily basis what you were initially hired to do, Analyse and spot trends/make recommendations; you will also get more of a life, drink less wine, smoke less and generally lead a happier life.
Maybe it is time you considered a TMS for your company, after all. If you are still reading this rather lengthy blog post, the chances are you are someone who is suffering and can relate to all my points above. Need I say anymore?

End of message.

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