Tuesday 8 November 2011

ExactTarget Connections UK 2011 - The Power of One

The alarm went off at 0510 - couldn't stomach another 0445 and felt 0515 was a little late (if not to mention lazy!), so I compromised with 0510.

After an early start, I finally arrived at Battersea Evolution, London, for the 2011 ExactTarget Connections event. We arrived early yet it still felt late based on the number of people in the hall already!

Either way, after setting up the stand, seeing many ex-colleagues from my Webtrends days and listening to keynote presenters, it was my turn to talk at the booth (maybe I can present at Connections 2012? Hint/nudge...).

Customers very quickly got the message: "Ah, so you provide tag-free, individual online customer data which can be fed into ExactTarget for more granular visitor targeting in eMarketing and their Audience Builder platform" - yes! We do, and have been very good at it with other customers in the same space as you - after all, wouldn't you like me to turn £100,000 into £350,000 for your business? Overnight? What an ROI! How about if I managed to save you £300,000 in eMarketing activities which were not impacting your business in terms of an uplift in sales?

But you know what, my biggest takeaway and most interesting Breakout of the day was the 'Offline and Online Marketing Integration' presentation. We had Tony Mooney from SkyIQ presenting (a subsidiary of BskyB), and he was talking about how hard it all was. We also had a presentation about Doordrop marketing (you know, the fliers through the door that we all love to hate??).
This is when it dawned on me that Doordrop marketing isn't dead! Far from it. In fact, I think it will make a comeback - how about doordropping marketing campaigns to particular known visitors in the online world who failed to convert online, or haven't been back for some time since their last visit?

It's the complete reverse to what we think today, but I think it could make a comeback.
Time will tell, I guess...

In the meantime, thank you ExactTarget for a great Connections UK 2011 - I look forward to the event next year - hopefully with me presenting!!

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