Tuesday 20 September 2011

Tags! Why All The Bother?

Tag it! That's what I always hear - put a tag in that page, on that button, in that search box (in fact, make it x25!).

I kid you not. I recently thought I'd check just how many 'tags' are on a retail focused web site who uses a traditional marketing analytics platform - on one page, I found x25 tags! I then proceeded to look at three other pages and guess what, found more tags! In total, across three pages, I counted 57 tags! Who do you think has to manage those? Deploy them? Report on and Analyse them? Developers/"Analysts"!.

I put Analysts in quotes above because invariably "Analysts" are hired to perform analysis on the insight collected from the online channel, yet increasingly it is in fact the Analysts that must build the "tagging doc" that the business will deploy to deliver the insight required for the latest Business case.
How much does that Developer/Analyst cost our business again? How much time are they spending not developing or analysing the insight collected but building tagging documents and configuring non-retrospective (providing insight from only today onwards) reports?

Using a single insert file, one which removes the need for 'Tags', will not only save the business significant benefits when it comes to Time to Data, free up the Analysts time to perform Analysis, but also remove the human factor when it comes to tags being deployed incorrectly or not at all. All of which stack up to a business not performing at its full potential and losing out to the competition.

Don't keep up with the 'Joneses', just because your nearest competitor is using a platform from 'X' vendor (and you believe them to be successful with using it - trust me, some have taken 18months+ to fully deploy, which is such a long time!!!).
Take the opportunity to get ahead and adopt a platform which will provide increased visibility of online successes (and opportunities) whilst at the same time freeing up your team of experts to do what they do best, providing Insight that will deliver business and commercial advantages and value!

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